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of musical learning

Connecting babies, toddlers, and preschoolers with playful, engaging

Music and Movement Classes

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Music is for EVERYONE!

Our program brings families of all kinds together in a warm, supportive environment where anyone can feel comfortable singing, dancing and playing.

  Creating lasting family and community bonds through music is our passion.

Meet Our Teachers

All children are born musical®

Music development is as natural as any other area of development, and supports overall growth and school readiness. We nurture innate musical ability using proven early childhood teaching strategies that foster a life-long love of music.

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Meet your child's best teacher..

... YOU! Our teachers provide the framework to empower grownups to engage with their little one musically in class and at home. We know that children learn by watching and following their closest primary caregivers.  Everyone has more fun making music together!

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Reaching Musical Competence

Your child's creativity and self expression will flourish as they progress toward musical competence: the ability to sing in tune and keep a steady beat. Using the power of play and active music making, your little one will be developing important skills while having fun with you! 

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Music and Movement classes in NW Houston, Texas 

Our families live in Towne Lake, Bridgeland, Cypress Creek Lakes, Cooperfield, Fairfield, Katy, Spring, NW Houston, and Tomball

Explore Locations
woman laughing with children playing with scarves

"Ms. Liz has so much joy in every class, we love her."

woman is smiling and posing with her baby

"I learned so much in class that I can use at home too."

woman holds her baby upright and is gazing at her

"This time with my baby is so precious when life's so busy."

Drop us a line!

Have questions? Fill out the form below and someone from our team will get back to you. You can also send an email to [email protected]  🎶

Communication will be strictly limited to information regarding Music Together Songful Beginnings Classes and Events. No Spam.